Arquivado en Comunicados, Negociacion Colectiva

IV Contact Center Agreement


Trade Unions (COMFIA-CCOO & FeS-UGT) have reached a preliminary agreement with employer's organization to sign the IV contact center agreement. The IV collective agreement may be signed at Christmas.

Este artículo se publicó originalmente en Contact Center (Telemarketing Contact Center) ,

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This new collective agreement will help us fight for the professional career and promotion, something that did not exist in Telemarketing. An independent consultant, chosen by the owner’s organization and the trade unions, will re-define the profesional careers and training. Two new categories will be recognised: trainer and quality agent with  the same salary of  the team leader.

This collective agreement will let us increase our purchasing power. It will increase our payment over inflation: advanced in the first 10 days  of January , 3% on account of the collective agreement with the 2007 arrears.

It also includes important improvements in the equality and family conciliation field: the mother will choose the possibility of accumulating de lactation hours in 15 days holidays.

FeS-UGT & Comfía-CC.OO. think it is important to value highly the preliminary agreement according to the economical context  of this sector but also because it has not envolved any economical cost or modification of the conditions we have already achieved.

These are the most important aspectos of this new collective agreement:

Payment Increase:

  •     2007.- Real IPC rise backdated to 01.01.2007 (IPC= Retail Price Index)

  •         2008.- Real IPC + 0,25. Since January , a 2% on account + 0,25.

  •         2009.- Real IPC  + 0,25.

Professional Career:

An independent consultant will study the professional structure of this sector.

New professional categories: The trainner and Quality Agent.

Ley de igualdad: (Equality Law)   

Lactation hours accumulation, reduction of working day, creation of a peer group to do and adaptation of the Law.

Paid Leave:

You will be able to use the 3 days in case of hospitalization within the first 10 days. 3 days in case of surgical operation without hospitalization, with stay in home.

New name of the Sector: From now on it will be Contact Center.

Payment of salarial bonus on holidays: (Sundays, holidays, night shift, bank holidays, languages)

Social Protection measures for women who are victims of gender violence.

Classification of harassment for gender reason as very serious misdemeanours.

We have always declared our will to make all our efforts to achieve agreement accepted by all the parts of the Negotating Table, as we understand that in subjects as important as our Collective Agreement it is important that everybody feels represented and nobody was excluded.

FeS-UGT & Comfía-CCOO call all the workers to take part in our union trade projects of efficacy and firmness, of responsability and participation.

Madrid, 22nd November 2007

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