8 March Strike in contact center

8 M: 24 hour strike in the contact center sector

Once the meeting was held in the Interconfederal service of Mediation and arbitration (SIMA) there has been no possibility of reaching an agreement with the employer CEX, therefore CCOO-services will convene 24-hour stop next Friday 8 March for templates working Directly for contact Center companies as well as for those working through ETT.

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Why from CCOO we call a 24-hour stoppage in this sector?  

We are a sector where women represent more than 75% of the templates.  

A sector where the high rate of bIas in the contracted days is much worse for women than for men. Only 6 out of 10 women have a full-time contract, while 8 out of 10 men have full days. The low salaries and the lack of measures of flexibility or concretion of the timetables force the women to receive figures of conciliation suffering the consequent economic damage. In 90% of cases, staff who choose for day reductions for childcare, daughters or family members are women, as is the case with the absence. 

Not all companies have equality plans, despite being obliged to negotiate them with Legal representation of workers under the Organic Law of 3/2007 of 22 March for effective equality between women and men. In the best cases, equality plans are being implemented, which do not include specific objectives to reduce the bias of the days, to make timetables more flexible or to create opportunities for professional growth among women in the Templates.  

What do we want from the Contact Center employer?  

  • - Include a full-time hiring%.  
  • - Equality plans with effective measures to help improve working conditions.  
  • - Professional promotion processes in companies.  
  • - For these and other reasons like the violence we are suffering (more than 18 dead women so far this year; the "herds"...)  

Next March 8th, you have to stop,  you have to fight!!! 

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Sindicat, és Comissions Obreres en el sector del comerç, financer, administratiu, de les TIC, Hostaleria, Telemàrqueting, Oficines, Turisme ...Llegir més

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28037 Madrid
Tel: 91 540 92 82
Asesoría Madrid 91 536 51 63-64
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Email: contacta@servicios.ccoo.es