Archivado en Campañas, Socio Economico

Campaña internacional

Solidaridad con trabajadores sudafricanos despedidos en sector Telecomunicaciones

Imagina una empresa con más de 60.000 trabajadores que decide despedir a la mitad e, inmediatamanete después, incluso anuncia el despido de unos pocos miles más.

Este artículo se publicó originalmente en Internacional (Actualidad Internacional) ,
Eso lo hace en un país con una tasa de paro del 40% y una empresa con inmensos beneficios y bonus extraordinarios a sus ejecutivos.

¿Es suficiente para que tu sangre hierva? ¿Vale la pena un click de ratón?

Tres sindicatos sudafricanos se han puesto en contacto con LabourStart para lanzar una campaña internacional en Internet contra Telekom, la compañía descrita anteriormente. Esperan que miles de adhesiones hagan reflexionar a la empresa ante futruros reajustes.

Por favor visita la página"

y envía tu mensaje.

Imagine a company that employs more than 60,000 workers decides to fire half of them. And then figuring that it wasn't enough, it announces plans to sack a few thousand more. Imagine that company doing this in a country with an unemploment rate of over 40%. That's pretty bad, but imagine if that same company was making huge profits, paying its managers and directors massive bonuses.

It's enough to make your blood boil.

Is it enough to make you click on your mouse?

Three unions in South Africa have asked LabourStart to launch an international, online campaign against Telkom -- which is the company I described above. (The unions are the Communication Workers Union, Solidarity and the South African Communication Union.)

They hope that by getting thousands of you to spread the word, it will force the company to rethink further retrenchments.

Please go to:"

Send off your message today.

And spread the word -- if you're in a telecoms union, make sure your union gets involved. The communication workers' unions in Britain and North America alone have over 1,000,000 members. Together we can make this the largest online campaign LabourStart has ever waged.